Work in an office? Work from home? Just want to listen to your favorite oldies at home or in your car from 9 to 5? We're your source for a better variety of your favorite music during your workday. With features like Rewind (more than just this day in history) at 7:30am 9:30am and 11:30am and the Mid-Day Countdown, the top 6 songs from this day in music history at noon CT daily (see the Mid-Day/Midnight Countdown calendar also on this website), and special features throughout the day, it's a great way to spend your day tuned into Jukebox 92.7 on the Live365 and C31 Media Partners apps, on your computer, laptop, tablet, TV through the Roku Live365 channel, your Amazon Alexa, the www.jukebox927.com website or wherever you listen to your streaming radio station!